Tensorflow for Statisticians (2)
Generalized Linear Regression
Following my last post on using tensorflow
for linear
in this post I am going to extend the scope to generalized linear models.
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> import tensorflow_probability as tfp
>>> tfd = tfp.distributions
>>> from tensorflow.keras import layers
Let us simulate some data first.
>>> tf.compat.v1.random.set_random_seed(1) # for reproduce
>>> data = tfd.Normal(loc = 0., scale = 1.).sample([10000, 20])
>>> data
# <tf.Tensor: id=22, shape=(1000000, 20), dtype=float32, numpy=
# array([[-1.1012203 , 1.5457517 , 0.383644 , ..., -0.02147584,
# -0.31968883, 0.37332553],
# [ 0.25279108, 0.6437664 , 2.146308 , ..., -0.15791255,
# -0.3566943 , -0.20044029],
# [ 1.613107 , 0.6796728 , 0.08133233, ..., 1.9076501 ,
# -0.7215866 , 1.2887349 ],
# ...,
# [-0.34464952, 0.33008808, 1.6495917 , ..., 0.35497805,
# 0.8145206 , 1.4482048 ],
# [-0.32808402, -0.20314096, -2.0368671 , ..., -0.50538176,
# -0.04394155, 0.03310239],
# [-0.7274147 , -0.35093465, 0.8078732 , ..., -0.10988711,
# -1.7783372 , 0.15070562]], dtype=float32)>
>>> tf.compat.v1.random.set_random_seed(3)
>>> pars = tfd.Beta(2, 3).sample([20, 1])
>>> lp = tf.matmul(data, pars)
>>> Y = tfd.Bernoulli(lp).sample(1)
>>> Y
# <tf.Tensor: id=1579, shape=(1000000,), dtype=float32, numpy=array([0., 0., 1., ..., 1., 0., 0.], dtype=float32)>
provides a glm
module which enables easy fitting of a
collection of generalized linear models such as logistic regression
), probit regression (tfp.glm.BernoulliNormalCDF
), Poisson
regression (tfp.glm.Poisson
), and many more. An one-line implementation of
logistic regression is:
>>> w, linear_response, is_converged, num_iter = tfp.glm.fit(
model_matrix = data,
response = Y,
model = tfp.glm.Bernoulli())
>>> w
>>> w
# <tf.Tensor: id=554, shape=(20,), dtype=float32, numpy=
# array([0.58070004, 0.08244729, 0.48235574, 0.39969572, 0.37823585,
# 0.39500824, 0.5433686 , 0.27827388, 0.38219643, 0.8608786 ,
# 0.22414763, 0.34881216, 0.4582049 , 0.9232365 , 0.02907711,
# 0.47394714, 0.16831397, 0.26486722, 0.20210025, 0.17360945],
# dtype=float32)>
>>> w.numpy() - pars.numpy().flatten()
# array([ 2.2941828e-03, 9.4745308e-04, -2.6564598e-03, 3.9328039e-03,
# 2.1443665e-03, 4.0888786e-04, 1.4651418e-03, -1.3917387e-03,
# -2.0698011e-03, 1.9533038e-03, 7.5770915e-04, -2.2533536e-04,
# 3.8230419e-04, 4.8930049e-03, -1.8272493e-03, -6.6980720e-04,
# 2.6237667e-03, 1.7036200e-03, 2.6491731e-03, -3.5420060e-05],
# dtype=float32)
Another approach is to use keras
. We build a model with one dense layer and
sigmoid activation function. Then we can use model.fit()
to train the model on
the dataset.
>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential()
>>> model.add(layers.Dense(1, activation = "sigmoid"))
>>> model.compile(optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(0.05),
loss = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy())
>>> model.fit(data, Y, epochs = 10, batch_size = 1024)
>>> model.weights[0].numpy().flatten()
# array([0.5853649 , 0.12772334, 0.50310177, 0.40288347, 0.36750564,
# 0.45062354, 0.53615963, 0.31267476, 0.38474655, 0.8759412 ,
# 0.24433382, 0.31499726, 0.48656067, 0.91565496, 0.04293687,
# 0.4549262 , 0.10319919, 0.22904651, 0.19099398, 0.22391798],
# dtype=float32)